Pisgah Forest, NC


The graduation of men from our ministry’s recovery program is a moment of immense joy and celebration, a milestone that fills our hearts with pride and excitement. This pivotal moment marks not just the completion of a program, but a profound transformation in the lives of these courageous individuals. As they step forward, having bravely confronted and overcome their challenges, we are reminded of the incredible power of faith, resilience, and community support in the journey towards healing and renewal.

Each graduation is a testament to the strength and determination of these men, who have worked tirelessly to reclaim their lives and find new paths of purpose and hope. It’s a time when we gather as a community to honor their achievements, acknowledge their struggles, and celebrate their newfound freedom from the burdens that once held them back. The air is filled with a sense of triumph, as each graduate stands as a beacon of hope, not only for themselves but also for others who may be facing similar battles.

These graduations are not just endings but new beginnings, promising brighter futures and healthier lives. As a ministry, we are filled with gratitude and humility to have played a role in these incredible journeys of recovery. We look forward to seeing the remarkable ways in which these men will contribute to their communities and how their stories will inspire and encourage others. Their success is a powerful reminder of our ministry’s mission and the transformative impact of love, support, and faith.

Lives Touched

"People don't realize how hard the struggle with addiction can be especially with all the judgment. Thank you for all you do and for all your strength, time, and patience!"
Breeana Hackett
Breeana Hackett
“Grateful for all you guys are doing for veterans. Never Quit!”
Paul E. Gregg III
"They really touched my soul! Thank you Met by Love Ministries!"
Kelsie Joanna Johnson
Kelsie Joanna Johnson