Pisgah Forest, NC


Our ministry is deeply grateful for the privilege of being on mission with God, a journey that continually fills our hearts with joy and purpose. As we walk this path, we are blessed to witness the profound transformation in the lives of believers, culminating in the sacred act of baptism. Each baptism is a testament to faith, a powerful declaration of a new life in Christ. The waters symbolize a journey from the old to the new, embodying the grace and redemption offered by our loving God. Our community rejoices with every individual who takes this significant step, embracing them into the family of faith. This experience not only strengthens our commitment to spread God’s word but also reinforces our unity as we collectively experience the wonder of God’s work in our midst. We are truly thankful for these moments that vividly remind us of the impactful and eternal nature of our mission.

Lives Touched

"People don't realize how hard the struggle with addiction can be especially with all the judgment. Thank you for all you do and for all your strength, time, and patience!"
Breeana Hackett
Breeana Hackett
“Grateful for all you guys are doing for veterans. Never Quit!”
Paul E. Gregg III
"They really touched my soul! Thank you Met by Love Ministries!"
Kelsie Joanna Johnson
Kelsie Joanna Johnson